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« Попередня
Г. А. Югай. Голографія Всесвіту і нова універсальна філософія. Відродження метафізики і революція у філософії, 2007 - перейти до змісту підручника

Revolution in philosophy (Epilogue of the editor-in-chief)

In leaving already in history 2006 the international work "About a know-how of the concept of GA Yugaj about sources of the Korean civilization" was published in Moscow. He is designated as first of a series "Euroasian (Russian and central-Asian) sources of a world civilization" with signature stamps of Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Science and the Tashkent state institute of oriental studies. By lips of V. V. Tvan our person whose jubilee is celebrated, is presented of the composer and the editor-in-chief of the first release, the doctor of historical sciences as the outstanding personality and the ingenious scientist. I, as the nearest colleague and the friend very closely cooperating with the person of jubilee within many decades, shall dare to agree not absolutely with such estimation and to express more objective, in my opinion, and more modest relation to GA Yugaj. Somehow V.I. Lenin has characterized L. Feuerbach that he is bright, but not deep. Restructuring this idea, it is possible to tell, that GA Yugaj is not bright, but deep.

Depth of a philosophical idea of G.A. Yugaj as the scientist was showed in the contents of the given work, devoted to opening of a philosophical code of the Universe by him - unities of matter and spirit, identity and distinction of life and thinking. As any discovery, especially large this opening is based on achievements of predecessors, as speak, grows on their shoulders. As direct sources of a discovery of G.A. Yugaj of a philosophical code of the Universe the best traditions of materialism and idealism of western, east and Russian metaphysics, and also natural-science achievements of the theory of global evolutionism have served last third XX on holography of the Universe. As to traditions of metaphysics they can be presented in general as the Eurasian metaphysics of the-osophy on behalf of EP Blavatskaya, Rudolf Steiner, V.S. So-lovyev, Eurasians followers, married couple of N. and E. Roerich, etc. This metaphysics was, first of all, philosophical expression of the limiting basis of life - Installed as the whole a matter and spirit, and also the most universal and its generalized understanding on the basis of convergence and unity of materialism and idealism. As a kernel of such understanding of a philosophical code of the Universe the unity or identity and distinction of a matter and spirit, life and thinking has served.

One of E. Roerich followers, A. Klizovsky has expressed this idea as follows: "Each form of the shown Life is dual and consists of spirit and a matter. On the basis of this primary duality the Universe and everything is formed, that exists in it (her). The life of each life as indispensable condition demands connection of a matter and spirit. Both the spirit, and matter, separately taken, do not give the phenomenon of a life. The life is possible only owing to connection of these two immemorial Beginnings: Spirit and the Matter , positive and negative, man's and female. The matter of the physical plan is so dense, that a life is consisting, not to be visible to us, and it is represented to us in the form of the person, animal, plants, etc ., but on the supreme plans of Life the matter is so refined, that to us is visible both a life consisting it, and the form, its concluding; but in the first, and in the second case the phenomenon of a life designates connection of spirit and matter. Separation of spirit and a matter is the termination of a life, or that we name death ".

G.A. Yugaj in the work creatively develops the stated idea on unity of a matter and spirit on the basis of achievements modern scientific hylosoism and holography of the Universe and leads up from their simple and demonstrative ascertaining as facts to the formulation on their basis of the basic philosophical law of the Universe and laws derivative of it and principles. The basic philosophical law of the Universe has as the ontological status in the form of principles of convergence not so much causal, how many a is functional-information determinism, and as the logics-episte-mological aspects stated in the form of organic laws of metaphysical logic, new logic not only and it is not so much dualistic, how many trial istic, at least, and consequently holographic forms of life. In such philosophical generalization probably, ingenious merit Yugaj as author of work about holography of the installed and new universal philosophy consists outstanding and. On the importance it do not concede to opening by the Russian Perelmann of a mathematical code of the Universe (has given the proof of the Big theorem the Ferma), awarded the premium, al-most equivalent Nobel The authorship of opening of other code of the Universe - philosophical, carried out m the given work, too belongs to the Russian.

Similar opening considerably expands philosophical and natural-science horizons of vision of the Universe, the Universe as complete, holographic system. It is made within the limits of the fourth scientific revolution of the nonclassical or postnonclassical period of development of the science which have begun in last third XX of a century. The philosophical component of this revolution meanwhile has very weak illumination. This blank in an essential measure is filled with the work offered to the reader, devoted to the Euroasian synthesis of philosophy of the East and the West. As Hegel spoke, the philosophy, similarly to an owl of the Minerva, leaves in twilight. It is time to be born already on light and philosophies of the next scientific revolution. I, as the editor-in-chief, can express deep moral satisfaction to that I bring also the feasible contribution to issue of the first work, the first swallow-book on the next philosophical revolution, called to radical revision of substantive provisions of two basic philosophical directions - materialism and idealism. In opinion of Yugaj, on the basis of them not so much a dialectic antagonism, how many metaphysical convergence and synthesis, arises the new universal philosophy of holographic understanding as the philosophy of the limiting, most general and universal basis of life. It is in the same time philosophy of an exit or a conclusion of a human civilization from its present deeply crisis condition which have arisen because of infringement of the basic philosophical law of the Universe - harmonies of matter and spirit, identity of life and thinking, and also break and an antagonism of materialism and idealism, dialectics and metaphysics. Instead of four organic laws of dialectics GAYugaj has found out more generalized and universal approach to the world, one basic metaphysical law of ontoloqhy of the Universe.

Let's wish the first swallow-book on revolution in philosophy of uccessful, perspective flight.

Chairman of the Commission on history of Ancient And Medieval Russia culture of Scientific council on world

culture history

At Presidium of the Russian Academy of Science, the academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, prof. V.A. Chudinov

« Попередня
= Перейти до змісту підручника =
Інформація, релевантна" Revolution in philosophy (Epilogue of the editor-in -chief) "
  1. Preface
    revolution. To say more concrete the holographic method is a new stage in the solution of the totality problems in all brunches of science and first of all in the same philosophy. If in the problem of totality the stress is on the two-component construction in the relation between the part and the whole, so in the holography the attention is in the first turn on the leading role os the third
  2. 1.1. Історичні аспекти уніфікації права міжнародних комерційних контрактів
    the World. Their Comparison and Unification. N. Y.: Oceana Publications, Inc. 1971. P. 3; Schmitthoff C. The Unification of the Law of International Trade / / The Journal of Business Law. 1968. Аpril. P. 105 - 106; Black's Law Dictionary. 6th ed. Р. 359. Див: Лунц Л.А. Курс міжнародного приватного права. Загальна частина. М.: Юрид. літ., 1973. С. 23 - 28; Садиков О.Н. Уніфіковані норми в
  3. 3.2. Частноправовая уніфікація матеріальних норм
    the Lex Mercatoria / / Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration. A Discussion of the New Law Merchant. Revised Edition. Carbonneau T. Editor. Kluwer, 1998. P. 249 - 255. Принципи УНІДРУА представляють повністю новий універсальний підхід до права міжнародної торгівлі, оскільки вони не є ні договором, які узгоджуються комерційними підприємствами, ні міжнародною конвенцією, що підлягає
  4. 6. Підсудність, заснована на беззастережне вступ відповідача у процес
    editor Lord Justice May. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1999. P. 152). Відповідач не підпорядковує себе юрисдикції англійського суду поданням підтвердження вручення. Підтвердження вручення (acknowledgment of service) - це те процесуальна дія, яка відповідач повинен здійснити після отримання позову, якщо він не має наміру визнати пред'явлені до нього вимоги і не готовий відразу ж уявити
  5. Додаткова література 1.
    The Methodology of the Science of Religion. Warsaw, 1984. P. 203. 37 2. У чому суть теоретичних розбіжностей між християнською теологією і религиоведением в другій половині ХІХвека? 3. У чому полягають особливості становлення релігієзнавчих досліджень у різних європейських країнах і США? 38 +1 Lonergan B. Philosophy of God and Theology. London, 1973. P. 22. 39 лями знання,
  6. Контрольні питання
    the Comparative History of Religion. London, 1909. P. 10 - 11. 18 Introduction to the Science of Religion. Four Lectures delivered at the Royal! Nstitution in February and May, 1870 by F. Max Muller. New Delhi, 1972. P. 8. 27 19 Більш докладно про це див: Smart N. Religious Studies in the United Kingdom / / Religion. 1988. Vol. 18. Pt. 1. P. 1 - 9. 28 20 Schweitzer A. The Quest of the
  7. Джерельна база
    the Fall of the Soviet Empire. Prinston University Press, 1993; Sakwa R. Gorbachev and his Reforms. N.Y.-L., 1990; Idem. Russian Politics and Society. 2 nd. ed. L.-N.Y., 1996; Brown A. The Gorbachev Factor. Oxford University Press, 1996; Hough, Jerry F. Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-1991. Brookings Institution. Press. Washington, D.C., 1997. 60 З використанням матеріалів
  8. - Примітки-
    the USSR, 1985-1991. Washington, 1997. 2 Hough J. F Op. cit. P. 67. 3 Горбачов M. С. Життя і реформи: У 2 кн. М., 1995. Кн. 1. С. 51-83. 4 Болдін В. І. Крах п'єдесталу. М, 1995. С. 125. 5 Там же. С. 128. 6 Горбачов М. С. Указ. соч. С. 147. 7 Там же. С. 18. 8 Там же. С. 16. 9 Вираз Ю. В. Андропова. Див: Горбачов М. С. Указ. соч. С. 23. 10 Більш докладно про це: Фроянов
    the USSR. 1985 -? 991. P. 425). 22 Лук'янов А. І. Указ. соч. С. 45. 23 Єльцин Б. Н. Указ. соч. С. 55. 24 Союз можна було зберегти. С. 184. 25 Болдін В. І. Крах п'єдесталу. М., 1995. С. 404; за даними В. А. Крючкова, лише шість республік були готові підписати договір. 1м.: Крючков В. А. Особиста справа. М., 1996. Ч. 2. С.142. 26 Павлов В. С. серпня зсередини. Горбачов-путч. М., 1993. С.
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    Theory / G. Lindzey and E. Aronson. Handbook of Social Psichology. N.Y., 1985. V. l. 247. Abelson R. P. and Rosenberg M. J. Symbolic psychologic: a model of attitudinal cognition / / Behavioral Science. 1958, V.3. P.1-13. 248. Abelson R. P., Aronson E., McGuire W., Newcomb T., Rosenberg M. and Tannenbaum P. (Eds.) Theories of cognitive consistensy: a sourcebook. Chicago, 1968. 302 А
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    revolution structurale. P., 1975. P. 335. 38 Ibid. P. 302. 39 Ibid. P. 38. 40 Барт Р. Вибрані роботи. Смуток. Поетика. М., 1994. С. 547. 41 Там же. С. 548-549. 42 Barthes R. Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes. P., 1975. P. 51. 43 Барт Р. Вибрані роботи ... С. 525. 44 Він же. Міфології. М., 1996. С. 96. 45 Там же. С. 97. 46 Глюксман А. Кухарка і людожер. М., 1980. С. 173.
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