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Classification of Crimes |
Historically crimes are classed as treasons, felonies and misdetneanotus, but there exist other classifications: indictable (переслідуваний за обвинувальним актом) of fences and offences punishable on summary conviction and the classification based on the immediate objects of the crimes {against the State and Public Order, proper ty, reputation and so on]. Felony, i.e. any of the more serious crimes such as murder, larceny, rape, arson, and aggravated assault, formerly punishable by death and forfeiture of property but in England is now punishable in the same way as misdemeanours except in the few surviving instances in which capital punishment still exists (treason and special cases of murder). The former importance of the distinction between felony and misdemeanour is now reduced to a few minor procedural differences, such as the larger powers of arrest for suspected felony. In the United States the distinction between a felony and a misdemeanour lies in 'how it is punishable, not the degree of infamy of the offence. All crimes which are not felonies or treason are misdemeanours punishable by a fine or by imprisonment | other than in a prison. Originally a misdemeanour was a crime not resulting in the j forfeiture of property in conviction, and at one time all felonies were punishable j more severely than misdemeanour (usually by death). Today, however, some misdemeanours are punishable in England more severely than some felonies, though never by death. Examples of misdemeanours are peijury, obtaining money by false j pretences, and conspiracy. LTl Переведіть на слух у швидкому темпі: Case law, деликтное право, Law of trusts, тяжкі злочини, misdemeanours, зрада, підпал, conviction, the forfeiture of property, караних більш строго, лжесвідчення, conspiracy, to break the law, бути винним у скоєнні - злочини, закон про крадіжки, criminal state of mind, mens ГЕА, заздалегідь обдуманий злий умисел, намір, Criminal law, capital punishment, висновок 'в в'язницю, каторжні роботи, computer crimes, blasphemy, законодавчий акт. Уд Переведіть письмово:
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