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« Попередня Наступна »
Кусаінов А.А.. Французька «нова філософія» і культура постмодерну. - Волгоград: Вид-во ВолДУ. - 164 с., 2003 - перейти до змісту підручника


The existence of global philosophic systems to the end of the 19th century was caused by the necessity to have a united European culture. Therefore the united foundations of being were the system-forming principle of all classic philosophic doctrines that considered the world as entirety. Having opened the information civilization epoch the 20th century revealed the imperfection and scantiness of the schemes exposing an inexhaustible diversity of being forms in the world of developing systems. The world unity appeared to be inwardly different, heterogeneous, discrete, contradictory and multiform. The occured infinite variety of the universe required both new forms of world outlook and new methodological forms and technologies of philosophic conceptions forming.

Change to postmodernism, refusal from modernist thinking demonstrated that the West endured the downfall of all authorities.

People didn't strive to identify themselves with a state, a party or certain institutions any more. The society was not obsessed with great names of the past or heroes of modern history. In this perspective May 1968 in France became a boundary between the past and the present where the general crisis with the absence of masters of thoughts and influencial ideas, significant perspective discoveries was the main sign.

In those conditions «new philosophy» became the expression of mentality of the whole generation of French intellectuals that endured «crisis of identity» which wasn't overcome however by establishing national consensus. The main «new philosophers» thinking feature became the principal refusal from the attempts to systematize the world that earlier was the main task of classical philosophy. As a result distrust to the reality, pessimism, negativism in various conseptions of «negative humanism» appeared.

The reverse side of such kind of thinking was cynism that was the point of anthropological ideas of «new philosophers».


Developing in the cultural channel of postmodernism «new philosophy» promoted the consolidation of not only critical thinking but social criticism of Western European history and society. The polysemy of objectivism, human spirit and experience can't be denied in postmodern epoch. The understanding of the equal world diversity created premises for its integration and synthesis into an indivisible system. If humanity doesn't realize the chances and impulses of this tendency, if it doesn't elaborate a united idea it will come into collision not only with «deconstruction» but with «destruction» and both in theoretical and practical aspects.

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Інформація, релевантна " SUMMARY "
  1. Classification of Crimes
    Historically crimes are classed as treasons, felonies and misdetneanotus, but there exist other classifications: indictable (переслідуваний за обвинувальним актом) of fences and offences punishable on summary conviction and the classification based on the immediate objects of the crimes {against the State and Public Order, proper ty, reputation and so on]. Felony, i.e. any of the more
    TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS statutes enacted by legislatures cases decided by the courts source of law legal system to be patterned after .. . to codify laws to reduce laws to statutes statutes must be in keeping with the constitution to overrule a statute to violate constitutional provisions written law unwritten law Also Included under this heading the law of the land case law to set forth
  3. Подання доказів
    Позивач в цивільній справі або державна сторона у кримінальній справі починає уявлення показань своїх свідків. 8 цивільній справі сюди входить позивач, а в кримінальній справі - свідок, який подав скаргу, хоча від них не потрібні свідчення. Свідок може давати показання по суті справи. Він може сказати, що він бачив, чув (але не за чутками), відчував, почув або фізично відчував.
    court procedure Criminal charge - судове провадження, судопроиз-TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS an Indictment the prosecuting attorney [At., Alt., Atty) the alleged criminal arrest procedure to file an и to issue a warrant for the arrest to be confined in the penitentiary to post bond to waive a bail bond to release from custody a preliminary hearing law enforcement to hold я
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