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TERMS AMD EXPRESSIONS case law common law the concept of precedent doctrine of stare decisis to be contrasted with (to) the concept of res adjudicate the matter is closed the conclusion of the lawsuit the loosing party to decide the dispute a court of competent jurisdiction written opinion in deciding subsequent cases subordinate courts to be bound by the rale of law the parties involved74 to provide both certainty and predictability reliance upon precedent to rely on prior decisions legal significance reasonable certainty to renounce precedent an unpopular court ruling to overrule the common -law system the continental law judicial decision 'o be beyond the grasp ' ayinen Private law lo govern one's conduct the advice of legal counsel ° odified law system -прецедентне право-загальне право-концепція прецеденту-доктрина судового прецеденту-в порівнянні з ... (На відміну від ...)-концепція вирішеного справи-питання закрите-завершення судової справи-сторона, що програла-вирішити спір - суд правомочною юрисдикції-рішення в письмовому вигляді (у письмовій формі)-при рішенні наступних справ-підлеглі суди-бути пов'язаним нормою права-задіяні сторони (беруть участь сторони)-забезпечувати і визначеність, і передбачуваність-опора на прецедент-покладатися на попередні рішення-правове значення-розумна визначеність-відмовлятися від прецеденту-непопулярне рішення суду-скасовувати , відхиляти,,. ? J Переведіть пропозиції на російську мову (рекомендується для зорово-усного перекладу): (a) 1. Common Law is a system in which legal decisions are based upon decisions in previous cases and on customs, rather than on detailed written laws. 2. It is sometimes called case law and originally developed in England. 3. Common law is an important part of the legal systems of many countries which have been influenced by English law, such as the USA and India. (B)
1. Continental Law is a system in which legal decisions are usually made by apply ing detailed written laws to the case in question. 2. Various forms of continental law are found in continental Europe and ш parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America. 3. It is sometimes known as Roman Law because it was influenced by the laws developed in ancient Rome. 4. It is also sometimes known as codified law because the system often requires laws to be written in the form of precise, detailed codes. / 1 Знайдіть у тексті і переведіть словосполучення ^ (можна використовувати для перекладу на слух): The doctrine of stare decisis : to stand by decisions and not to disturb what is settled; the concept of res adjudicata; the matter is closed; at the conclusion of the lawsuit; the loosing party; to ask a court to decide the dispute; a written opinion; to set forth the rule; in deciding subsequent cases; subordinate courts; in the same jurisdiction; to be bound by the rule of law; to affect persons; the parties involved; to provide both certainty and predictability; reliance upon precedent; legal issues; areas of the law; a certain legal effect; to rely on prior decisions; the legal significance; to renounce precedent; an unpopular court ruling; several inherent difficulties: to place "the law" beyond the actual knowledge; the total body of ruling case law; to be beyond the grasp of lawyers; the advice of legal council. Л Переведіть в класі усно, а вдома письмово на російську мову (рекомендується для зорово-усного і зорово-письмового перекладу}:
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